“Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!” resonates throughout the scene from the timeless classic, “The Wizard of Oz,” where Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Tinman meander through what appears to be a captivating forest. Surrounded by lush bushes on either side, they traverse this tranquil setting. However, concealed within this idyllic backdrop lies Cleremont, an emerging community, untarnished by the chaos and congestion of urban life. Yet, once you step foot on this magnificent seven-plus acre land, a remarkable transformation occurs. Take a moment! Silence! Do you hear that? The trees sway gracefully, birds serenade with their melodious tunes, and astonishingly, your companions on this journey are friendly pigeons ambling along the narrow path. As you drive along, an enthralling sight awaits you – mangoes hanging in abundance, ripe for the picking. It’s a paradise! This location generously provides a profound sense of serenity, tranquility, and an absolute absence of noise pollution and conflicts. It truly bestows a peace of mind. So why not seize the opportunity to construct your eco-friendly home here, in this land of dreams? Adjacent to your neighbor’s property lies a riverbed, enticing you with whispers of clear, pristine water. Who’s to say you won’t have the privilege to access this refreshing sanctuary? The community itself is merely a brief ten to fifteen-minute drive away from the delightful town of Falmouth. Come and witness the enchantment yourself; you may find it impossible to depart, instead choosing to establish your camp and make this breathtaking place your forever home.