Nestled on the outskirts of Savanna-La-Mar lies a vibrant community known as Llandilo, where Civil Servants and residents of all walks of life call home. Within the enchanting Phase 1 of this community, one will discover a collection of newly erected apartment buildings, each boasting a delightful townhouse concept. At the upper floor, an unfurnished 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom unit awaits, complemented by an inviting open concept living and dining area on the lower floor, adorned with a state-of-the-art kitchen featuring exquisite cabinets.
Now, what sets this particular unit apart, you may wonder? Well, it proudly showcases floating cabinetry in the bathroom, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the already impeccable design. Location-wise, Llandilo holds a prime position, allowing effortless access to the bustling town of Savanna-La-Mar, the picturesque Negril, as well as the many neighboring communities that dot the glorious landscape.
Now is your chance to claim the title of the very first occupant of these immaculately constructed 2-bedroom townhouse units. And, as if all this wasn’t enticing enough, let it be known that the rental price includes the ever-coveted amenity of water. Don’t delay, seize this opportunity today! Simply reach out to us and inquire about further details.